Wednesday 30 December 2015

Jude Okoye bought a new Mercedes Benz CLS


        Jude Okoye got himself a New Year gift by acquiring a Mercedes Benz CLS. New year, new things. 


Devilish Mum arrested after young boy found chained to bed and left starving


A young boy has been rescued after he was found shackled to a bed and severely malnourished.
The 11-year-old had a three metre long chain clamped to his right ankle when he was found by police in his bedroom. 
After an anonymous complaint, police and social workers stormed the home and found the poorly boy in a bad state.
They immediately arrested the boy's mother who, according to local media reports, had tied the boy up because of his naughty behaviour.
She claimed she has no option but to restrain him with the metal shackle and chain.


The rescue took place in the city of Magangue in northern Colombia.
Police colonel Victor Hugo Gomez Arias, who was responsible for the rescue operation, said:
"Officers from the Teen and Children Protection Group went to the scene and found a barefoot boy tied by his ankle inside the household."The policemen took him to a local health centre so that he can have access to medical care.
 "Afterwards he was left under the protection of the municipal family authority."
The mother, whose name has not been made public, remains in police custody.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

A White woman exposes married footballer Ideye Brown, claims he's the father of her two kids


Was minding my business on instagram when I stumbled on these posts from a white lady named Alex on instagram. The lady who lives in Ukraine (did he ever play there?) has a son and a daughter, who appear to be mixed race, and she claims Nigerian Super Eagles player, Ideye Brown is the father of her two kids. Thing is, Ideye is married with two kids.




A suspect arrested for parading himself as a Colonel and defrauding victim of over N40m


62-year-old Babatunde Idris has been arrested by the Oyo State Police Command for parading himself as a colonel in the Nigerian Army and using a fake identity to defraud one Yinusa Mustapha of the sum of N40m.
The state Commissioner of Police, Leye Oyebade, said Idris was arrested after a petition was filed against him.
He said:
“Following a petition received alleging the fraudulent activities of Idris, the command’s Anti-kidnapping Squad swung into action and arrested the suspect, who until his arrest had fraudulently obtained various sums of money from his victims.”
Oyebade added that the suspect promised his last victim, Mustapha, that he would help him to get a certificate for oil importation in 2012, but up till now that hasn't been done. He failed to complete the deal after the money was paid into his account.
The commissioner added:
“The suspect forged various letterheads of the Nigerian Army which he issued to unsuspecting individuals and corporate organisations soliciting assistance. He also had multiple identities under fake names all bearing the status of a colonel”.
The suspect said on the other hand said:
“I collected N16m from him claiming to be a colonel in the army. I signed the form, but truly I am not a military man. One of my brothers is a general in the army. One day, he gave me a letter to help somebody, so I made a copy of it.
“Mustapha wanted me to help him to collect certificate of oil lifting and because I knew people who could do it, I took the money from him, but the deal failed.”

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Comedian Basketmouth mocks Nigerian Beauty pageants...


26 year old Ugandan singer who married 68 year old white woman finally visits her country

26 year old Ugandan singer, Guvnor Ace has finally made his way to Sweden, the birth country of his 68 year old Swedish wife, Mona Lisa Larsson. Ace made headlines in August when married Mona at a Ugandan marriage registry. He is visiting Sweden for the Christmas. He shared the photos and wrote "My wife thanks for welcoming me in your country. Wow I am gonna enjoy this Christmas and the new year eve with my baby". Mission accomplished! Lol. Continue to see more photos

Over 300 killed during Army/Shiite clash- Human Rights Group claims

An International Human Rights group, the Human Rights Watch, says over 300 Shiite members were killed during the Army/Shiite clash in Zaria Kaduna state on December 12th and 13th. A statement by the group which was released today claims that accounts by the Shiite members witnessed the killins say the Army hurriedly dug a mass grave for their members who were killed during the clash
"The army carried out attacks at the Hussainniya Baqiyyatullah mosque and religious center, at the home of the Shiite leader, Sheikh Ibrahim Al Zakzaky, in the Gyellesu neighborhood and at the sect’s burial ground, Daral-Rahma, over the course of two days.
At least 300 Shia sect members, and likely many more, were killed and hundreds more injured, according to witnesses in at least two of the sites and a hospital source. Soldiers quickly buried the bodies in mass graves without family members’ permission, making it difficult to determine an accurate death toll. Although some people threw stones and had sticks, there has been no credible information that any soldiers were injured or killed"the statement in part read.

Woman rejects boyfriend's proposal because the diamond on the ring was too small

The Diamond on the ring was too small. That's the apparent reason that could be deduced after a Chinese woman turned down her boyfriend's marriage proposal. The poor guy was down on one knee, proposed with a bunch of red roses, surrounded by dancers he’d hired specially for the event and was being watched by dozens of onlookers when his girlfriend turned and walked off.

At first, she seemed to be thrilled by the performance on a street in Chengdu, the capital city of south-west China’s Sichuan province, and at one point started to cry as her boyfriend walked towards her. But surprised everyone by walking away after seeing the ring her boyfriend was proposing with.

 In a screen shot of a message sent to her friend after the attempted proposal, she complained. “Before we agreed on a one carat diamond ring. Why is it so small? Is he so careless or he just doesn’t care?”

It's not clear when the incident took place but the photographs have been circulating online in China. Many people on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, said that she didn't deserve the proposal.

Fast rising actress Chizzy Alichi releases new pics as she turns a year older

Fast rising Nollywood starlet Chizzy Alichi is a year older today, 23rd December. The graduate of Agricultural Engineering from Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT), who is well known for her roles in several hit Nollywood movies, including Drop of Blood, Kiss on a Royal Balcony, Blind Soul, Udaraugo and many more, released these exciting new photographs to celebrate her birthday, even as she has planned a fun get together party for her friends and fans. Check out her stunning pics

Star Wars actor, John Boyega was one of the last people to see Damilola Taylor alive, says Richard Taylor

Star Wars: The Force Awakens star, John Boyega was close friends with Damilola Taylor and according to Taylor's father, Boyega was one of the last people to see his son alive. Damilola was killed just a few days to his 11th birthday by two brothers, Danny and Ricky Preddie, aged 12 and 13 at the time, in south London.

Richard Taylor disclosed this in an interview with the mirror, adding that the 23-year-old actor and his sister Grace were both close to young Damilola.
Damilola (pictured left) with John and Grace, 13 at the time (blurred, on the right) in CCTV footage taken shortly before he died

 "John and Grace were looking after Damilola when he arrived in the UK, because they went to school together. The three of them were captured in the CCTV recording that the police used when they asked people to come forward to assist with the investigation.
"Grace became so close to Damilola – it was almost like boyfriend and girlfriend."

He added: "They were the last to see him. They wanted to escort him home, but he said he was going to be OK. They left him by the junction then he went around the corner and the gang were waiting for him."

Mr Taylor recently found out that John Boyega had nominated the Damilola Taylor Trust to receive a donation from the film’s launch.

"I was overwhelmed. It filled me with joy."

He said Boyega’s success makes him wonder about how his own son’s future could have unfolded.

"I thought: 'Oh wow, Damilola could have been working with him as an actor. Damilola was acting in primary school – in Christmas plays, school plays, reciting poems and all that kind of thing."

Damilola had moved to Britain from Nigeria a few months before he was stabbed in the thigh with a broken beer bottle by a gang of youths as he walked home from the local library after school.

The youngster was found bleeding to death in a stairwell near his home in Peckham, south London, where local workmen tried to save his life.
The Preddie brothers were convicted of Damilola's murder six years after it happened.

Miss Colombia finally speaks days after the Miss Universe disaster

Days after Miss Colombia was crowned the Miss Universe...for two minutes, the world's famous runner-up is speaking out. Ariadna Gutierrez took to her Instagram page on Tuesday and wrote:
"After the storm comes the calm. I want to thank each and everyone of you who have sent messages of support and strength. Every one of you has become an incredible human being in my book and I am the most fortunate and thankful for having the support not only from one country but from the whole entire world.
Your destiny is written for you. And my destiny was this. I was able to bring happiness to my country after becoming Miss Universe for only a couple of minutes... Today because of that COLOMBIA and the LATIN COMMUNITY are being talked about in every corner of the world. I also want to congratulate the Philippines for their new Miss Universe. The happiness that you must be feeling must be incredible. Life continues and in the future we will find out why things happen the way they happen. Thank you all for your LOVE SUPPORT and KINDNESS."

Protest in US, Canada, India over the arrest of Shiite leader in Nigeria

Some Muslims in the US, Canada, India and Beirut staged peaceful protest in their countries yesterday December 22nd over the arrest of the Shiite Muslim group leader, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky. He was arrested after his members had a clash with the Nigerian Army. Continue...

Chris Brown begs his fans to buy his new album, Royalty!

Chris Brown woke up early this morning pleading with fans to buy his new album, Royalty. His album is predicted to sell between 125-135k in its first week but it looks like that's not enough for him. He begged fans to buy the album to help him change the world, saying he works three times harder than any of his peers. See his tweets 

Lamido of Adamawa, Dr. Barkindo Aliyu Mustapha loses his mother

Hajjiya Sa'adatu Aliyu mustapha (pictured with the young man and some women before her death) the mother of Lamido of Adamawa, Dr Barkindo Aliyu Mustapha has died at the age of 102. Hajjiya Sa'adatu was laid to rest today according to Islamic rites in Yola, Adamawa State.

Photo credit: Auwal Hajja