Thursday 28 January 2016

How to upgrade your Blackberry Smartphone to Android 4.2


So everyone seems to be going android now especially now that Tecno has come up with a new range of cheap Android phones.

Now we have come up with one of the latest technology to upgrade your Blackberry phone to an Android
The procedure is easy but you have to follow it carefully else you could destroy your phone forever. If you aren’t sure of yourself, give your phone to someone who is tech savvy to follow these steps for you.
The procedure

  • Get your blackberry smartphone ready phone ready. Make sure it is fully charged
  • Got to your kitchen
  • Get a fry pan and pour any kind of oil into it.
  • Set it to heat on the cooker/stove and wait till it begins to give off a bit of smoke to show it is very hot.
  • Throw your phone into the pan and let it heat till it is a crisp golden brown then remove it.
  • Take a bath, dress up and go to a Samsung store
  • Buy a Samsung Galaxy S4
Congratulations, you have successfully upgraded from Blackberry to Android! You can now enjoy android like everybody else. Again, make sure you follow the procedure carefully for maximum results. Have fun upgrading!
(Disclaimer: The writer of this article will take no responsibility for any phones damaged while following this procedure. Using this tutorial is fully at the risk of the reader.)

SEN Saraki responds to letter by Obasanjo


Senate President Bukola Saraki, has responded to a letter from former President Olusegun Obasanjo, to him and Speaker of the House of Representative Yakubu Dogara in which the former president condemned the leadership of the National Assembly for planning to buy more cars. Saraki in his reply which was released today January 28th, said members of the 8th Senate are committed to good governance, transparency and accountability and will be responsive to the current economic realities of the country. Read full text of his response after the cut...

Yesterday, I acknowledged that I received a letter from former President Olusegun Obasanjo in which he called the attention of the National Assembly to some issues.
I will want to assure President Obasanjo that the leadership and membership of the 8th Senate are committed to good governance, transparency, accountability, due process and responsiveness to the economic reality of our nation. It is for this reason that the legislative chamber has introduced bold and progressive reforms in the management of the finances of the National Assembly.
This is of even greater importance during a tough fiscal period for our country. Like i said during my closing address at the plenary after our debate on the 2016 Budget, the Senate must lead by example in terms of our own funding, budgets and accountability – showing, beyond doubt, value for money. I have canvassed that we must lay bare the budget of the Senate, nay the National Assembly and its affiliated institutions.
I equally canvassed the need to strengthen the capacity of the legislative institution to carry our effective oversight of the executive arm so that we can ensure the budget leads to the realization of the policy objectives of the Buhari Administration. Again, let me reiterate my position in the speech I made this morning on the need for us to work towards blocking all areas of revenue leakages while also strengthening the anti-corruption agencies so that the little resources that are now available will serve the interest of the overwhelming majority.
As a former President and a father of the nation that we all hold in high esteem , I intend to reply the letter and outline the actions the Senate is taking to address his concerns.
In conclusion, I appreciate President Obasanjo for his consistent role in always reminding those of us in government about our responsibilities to the general public and offering timely advise where necessary.

(Must Read) Characteristics of UNILAG Babes According To Their Hostels

JUST JOKING OOOOOOO!!!!though some of them are not true but most of them are true
when people hear the phrase UNILAG GIRLS, some thoughts pop into their mind. Some think UNILAG girls are ari-sto’s, some think they are materialistic girls, others think of them as chop and go, some see them as parole girls, some see them as stranded girls (cuz dey like entering cars hehehe). And the list continues.

Not all these terms are true though, not all lag girls are ar-isto’s, not all of them are parole girls, but there’s two things they all have in common which is their love for money and also their love for chicken and chips.
Moremi, Kofo, M.T.H, Honours, Makama, Fagunwa, Amina… So lets begin with the classification.There are 7 female hostels in UNILAG namely:
Makama Girls:
M.T.H Babes and Fagunwa Chicks: It is said that to get a Makama girl all you need are 2 hot meat pies and a chilled bottle of fanta and she’s all yours ……..PS: make sure the meatpies are hot and the fanta is chilled, apparently they prefer it that way.
To get a MTH and Fagunwa babe all you need is just 200 Naira suya and they are yours, if you’re feeling buoyant you can manage to buy them chicken suya instead, things like that tickle their fancy.
These three hostels are situated close to each other inside New hall (Unilag’s ghetto) thus making them neighbours. People say new hall girls don’t have class (true), some say they love to party hard (very true), some also say they are cheap (well, not so true) but we all know they ain’t classy.
Every time I go to visit someone (Girls) in new hall I’m always ashamed or scared, I’m always scared cuz new hall boys might rob me and beat the crap outa me and I’m also ashamed that some new hall girls might obtain me and share the money amongst themselves to buy suya.
Most 100 level girls stay in these 3 halls thus making them jobless, they never stay inside their hostels so it’s not unusual if you see them roaming around new hall looking for boys to buy them food and other edible trinket, for now let’s call them Ghetto Girls or Suya Girls.
Moremi Girls:
also known as chicken and chips babes, to get an audience with a moremi babe you must submit a plate of chicken and chips and the she’ll listen to you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they will answer you it just simply means they’ll give u an audience. They prefer older men with cars and they date guys with money and mostly club boys, but we have some good girls (nerds) amongst them. Lets call Moremi girls Chicken and Chips Girls.
Honours Girls:
Australia is a county where people know about but nobody visits, that’s exactly how honours hall is. Its situated in a bushy swamp in the middle of nowhere so they barely get visitors. Most times I go there I see men with cars toasting those small girls, honours girls are boring girls with no event in their life so let’s call them Village girls or Bush Girls. And yeah Honours hall week are the best female hall week in UNILAG, yes I said it.
Amina Girls:
I’m pretty sure you have heard about aristo and runs girls in UNILAG, well 70% of the aristo and runs girl stay in amina hall, they are situated at the gate area so when the big alhaji’s and chiefs come to pick up girls the quickly branch at amina negotiate the price *coughs 50k* and they carry the girl outside school.
There was one time I was walking around amina hall in the night and I mistook it for a brothel, not that I know what a brothel looks like. Lets call amina girls ARISTOcrats , ah yes, Amina hall has one mad kissing spot outside it just right in front of the Queen Amina statue.
That’s where you’ll find the broke boys without rides kissing their babes, it’s always a pleasant sight to watch.
Kofo hall:
Also known for its Aristocracy it’s just there and random, pardon my English but they have the deadest hall week. Even if I was paid to go to their hall week I won’t go, you can NEVER catch me going to look for a girl in kofo. I’ve asked many guys what they know Kofo girls for and their replies are either “I’ve never done a Kofo girl before” or “Abeg where is Kofo Hall’ and “I don’t know”.
The reason Kofo hall is dead is cuz most girls in faculty of education stay there and as we all know girls in faculty of education are dead, no offence but we all know its true. I don’t know what to classify them under, but I know they don’t know how to throw a party.
These classifications are according to Jaja and Mariere boys, the gentlemen of Unilag and we are authorities on issues like this. If you’re the type of guy that double dates please don’t go to new hall and be cheating on them with another new hall girl cuz gist spreads there.
Find a girlfriend in Honours and another side chick in newhall, the probability of them meeting are very slim. If you have money and you know you’re ready to spend then you should date a moremi girl, they are classy and poise women who like the good things of life and also enjoy being spoiled silly.
Amina girls are not owned by Unilag boys, they belong to our oga’s at the top aka Alhaji’s and Chiefs. I have no idea who kofo girls belong to.
All in all we love Unilag girls, especially Moremi babes.

Tiwa Savage shares adorable photo with her son


Singer Tiwa Savage shared this very adorbale photo on her Instagram page and wrote

"Good Morning yummy mummies as most people are starting their day, we've probably been up for a few hours now as babies know how to interrupt our beauty sleep but that's ok because we love them more than anything. Anyhow Jamil is 6 months now and this morning I thought I heard him trying to say DaDa, Ahhhhh ���� I just quickly started saying MaMa MaMa MaMa before my husband heard, I mean I carried you for how many months, you come resemble your papa, now you wan come say daddy name first. Rara o, I go do ojoro LOL ���������� but all jokes apart every new stage with your baby is so amazing, from first smile to first words to first steps. What was your babies first words". 

Wizkid Gives Fan His Wrist Watch while performing on stage






Man carrying two guns and a Koran arrested at Disneyland Paris.


French police arrested a man carrying two handguns at the Disneyland Paris amusement park outside Paris on Thursday, an Interior Ministry official said.

According to the police, the 28-year-old man of European origin had been carrying the two guns, including an automatic handgun, concealed in a bag that also contained a copy of the Koran religious text. He is now being questioned by the police.

The man was reportedly arrested quietly and went with the police without protest, according to BBC. Park-goers seemed to carry on unaffected by the incident. Employees at multiple hotels around the resort told the Associated Press they continued functioning as usual after the arrest.

A woman said to be his girlfriend was also arrested. A spokeswoman for Euro Disney, which runs the amusement park and whose main shareholder is U.S-based Walt Disney Co., had no immediate information to offer about the incident.

The man was unknown to police prior to the incident and his bag set off a security alarm as he went through a metal detector at the Hotel. A police source said the investigation did not point to terrorism, and that the man claimed he was carrying the weapons for personal protection.

Falling Naira: Buhari is making same error he made as military head 30 years ago


International News magazine, The Economist, says President Buhari is making the same mistake now he made with the falling Naira when he was Military leader 30 years ago. Find the article below ...

Give me lucky generals,” Napoleon is supposed to have said, preferring them to talented ones. Muhammadu Buhari, a former general, has not had much luck when it comes to the oil price. Between 1983 and 1985 he was Nigeria’s military ruler. Just before he took over, oil prices began a lengthy collapse; the country’s export earnings fell by more than half.
The economy went into a deep recession and Mr Buhari, unable to cope, was overthrown in a coup. Now he is president again. (He won a fair election last year against a woeful opponent; The Economist endorsed him.) And once again, oil prices have slumped, from $64 a barrel on the day he was sworn in to $32 eight months later. Growth probably fell by half in 2015, from 6.3% to little more than 3% (see article).
Oil accounts for 70% of the government’s revenues and 95% of export earnings. The government deficit will widen this year to about 3.5% of GDP. The currency, the naira, is under pressure. The central bank insists on an exchange rate of 197-199 naira to the dollar. On the black market, dollars sell for 300 naira or more. Instead of letting the naira depreciate to reflect the country’s loss of purchasing power, Mr Buhari’s government is trying to keep it aloft.
The central bank has restricted the supply of dollars and banned the import of a long list of goods, from shovels and rice to toothpicks. It hopes that this will maintain reserves and stimulate domestic production. When the currency is devalued, all imports become more expensive.
But under Mr Buhari’s system the restrictions on imports are by government fiat. Factory bosses complain they cannot import raw materials such as chemicals and fret that, if this continues, they may have to shut down. Many have turned to the black market to obtain dollars, and are doubtless smuggling in some of the goods that have been banned. Nigerians have heard this tune before. Indeed, Mr Buhari tried something similar the last time he was president. Then, as now, he resisted what he called the “bitter pill” of devaluation.
When, as a result, foreign currency ran short, he rationed it and slashed imports by more than half. When Nigerians turned to the black market he sealed the country’s borders. When unemployment surged he expelled 700,000 migrants. Barking orders at markets did not work then, and it will not work now. Mr Buhari is right that devaluation will lead to inflation—as it has in other commodity exporters. But Nigeria’s policy of limiting imports and creating scarcity will be even more inflationary. A weaker currency would spur domestic production more than import bans can and, in the long run, hurt consumers less.
The country needs foreign capital to finance its deficits but, under today’s policies, it will struggle to get any. Foreign investors assume that any Nigerian asset they buy in naira now will cost less later, after the currency has devalued. So they wait. Those who fail to learn from history... Mr Buhari’s tenure has in some ways been impressive. He has restored a semblance of security to swathes of northern Nigeria that were overrun by schoolgirl-abducting jihadists. He has won some early battles against corruption. Some of his economic policies are sound, too. He has indicated that he will stop subsidising fuel and selling it at below-market prices.
This is brave, since the subsidies are popular, even though they have been a disaster (the cheap fuel was often sold abroad and petrol stations frequently ran dry). If Mr Buhari can find the courage to let fuel cost what the market says it should, why not the currency, too? You can forgive the general for being unlucky; but not for failing to learn from past mistakes.

Man Wants To Ban Social Media In Ghana


Ghanaian Government has been advised to consider the possibility of blocking social media sites during the November elections.

A security analyst, Irbard Ibrahim who made this suggestion in an interview on Radio Ghana explained that Ghana must do something “extraordinary to safeguard the results of our elections in November.”
Although he admitted that a total social media blackout during the period may not be too helpful to the discourse, he maintained that “it’s an avenue that can be looked at.”
Ghanaians will on November 7 elect new Members of Parliament (MPs) as well as a new President. This year’s election has been tipped to be one of the most keenly contested elections in the country’s history and calls for peace before, during and after the polls have already begun.

“government can look at a complete blackout or get a much more proactive social media portals so that you will be able to pre-empt all these things by giving out the right information.”
According to Mr. Ibrahim however, for peace to prevail and for people to trust the election results,
Mr. Ibrahim further recommended that the Electoral Commission should consider being very active on social media prior to the elections to help establish in the minds of Ghanaians that they are the go to source for any election related issue.
He said the EC can take a cue from Nigeria’s Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) which took similar steps during their elections last year.
“We can do what Nigeria did; what INEC did – the Independent National Electoral Commission in Nigeria so that we will become more proactive than individual users and saboteurs that are on Facebook and Twitter so that you educate the whole nation as to where they can get authentic results rather than people giving results of various constituencies they’ve not been to or talking about violent activities when there is no iota of truth in it,” he said.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Man Crushed To Death While Crossing Road In Lagos


Man Crushed To Death While Crossing Road In Lagos
One of his legs was completely crushed which ultimately led to his death.


I respect him for protecting her first!” M.I Abaga defends Ice Prince on Twitter


Choc City boss M.I Abaga has added his 2 cents to the Ice Prince drama.
The rapper made it known that he has nothing but respect for Ice Prince for the way he stood up for his girlfriend Maima. He also let his followers know that he now fully understands “the depth of the situation”.


The meaning of lines on your palm


For hundreds of years palm readers have examined hands in order to predict a person’s fortune. As it turns out, they may not have been entirely wrong as the human hand contains a wealth of information. When it comes to palm lines, not all people are the same.

Apart from the four major lines, some people have a short arched line under their middle and ring finger. In fact, this small curved line can even make a whole circle or two shorter separate lines. It’s commonly known as the Venus’s circle or love belt.
In case this line is not on your palm, don’t be disappointed as it is usually associated with people who are very sensitive and inclined to love problems. According to palm readers, if the circle is closed, it means a great love disappointment.
But, in case you have this circle, it’s best for you view failed relationships as life lessons rather than fatal disappointments. If the line forms a semi-circle, it implies love difficulties that will be overcome some time in a person’s life.
Several semi-circled lines, one beneath another, mean that you are really emotional.
The heart line, one of the four major palm lines, begins just under the middle finger and ends under the small finger.
Which heart line is yours?
1) If this is your heart line, you’re intelligent, ambitious, and independent. Plus, you can make good judgement and decisions. However, you may have a selfish, materialistic attitude in life. Take advantage of your good qualities to improve your communication and life.
2) If this is your heart line, you’re considerate, kind, and trustworthy with people. You are prone to getting too emotionally involved. It’s important to know when to keep off guard.
3) If this is your heart line, you are content and confident in your love life, no matter if you’re single or in a relationship. You’re happy either way.
4) If this is your heart line, you’re patient, caring, calm, warm-hearted and full of good intentions. You’re the altruistic type.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Watch This Informative Video On Lassa Fever


Knowledge Is Power, Prevention Is Better Than Cure…
In the wave of an increment in reported cases of Lassa Fever across the country, it is important that we empower ourselves with the knowledge on how to avoid this deadly disease, and apply these prevention mechanisms to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Lassa Fever is real. According to the WHO, the Lassa virus is transmitted to humans via contact with food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or faeces. Person-to-person infections and laboratory transmission can also occur, particularly in hospitals lacking adequate infection prevent and control measures.
I found this video on Youtube which really explains more about the disease and how to protect yourselves. I find it particularly interesting that it also has a Pidgin English version so even more people can understand it.
It’s quite short so please take time out to watch it and share with someone.
English Language Version
The Pidgin Version

Friday 22 January 2016

25 year old Nigerian Girl Who Just Returned From the UK dies in Horrible Car Accident in Lagos


25 year old Doyin Sarak Fagbenro who spent most of her life in the United Kingdom and also completed her First and Second Degree there was killed in a fatal accident along Lekki-Epe Expressway.

The beautiful 25 year old relocated to Nigeria from the UK. Her cousin, Ken Davidson, took to his Facebook page to pay her a heartfelt tribute. It’s such a sad read. Read after the cut. May her soul rest in peace, Amen.
DSF: Tribute To A Shining Starlet. Oh death! Where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Another Casualty of a broken and failed State. Your story is particularly Gut Wrenching as it is equally heartbreaking.
You spent near enough all but two of your 25 years on earth in the Country of your Birth, the United Kingdom where your Parents and entire family reside. You were born, bred and educated in the United Kingdom. But two years ago, immediately after you graduated, you elected to visit Nigeria where your Grandparents reside – both of whom are in their Mid Eighties.
You signed up for the National Youth Service having freshly graduated with a sterling First Degree in Law and a Post Grad immediately afterwards. You were headhunted by an Energy Firm before you completed your NYSC and a presto you gallantly announced to your Nervous Parents – Dad a Diplomat with the United Nations based in Italy and Mum a Pharmacist based in the United Kingdom, your country of Birth – that you were going to permanently relocate and make Nigeria your permanent abode. Your Grandparents were ecstatic, you being their most favourite Grand Daughter.
You were a straight A student right from when you passed your GCSEs through to when you excelled in your A’levels…so much so that Prestigious Queen Mary’s London University snapped you to study Law. You missed a First by whisker’s. Nevertheless you made your mark all the way through. Then it all came crashing down.
What was supposed to be a routine journey to Church on a relatively sombre, otherwise uneventful Sunday morning on the Lekki/Ajah Expressway around the Lekki Phase 1 approach turned into a living and eternal nightmare for those of us left struggling to pick up the pieces. Our lives changed forever, never to be the same again.
A victim of the reckless and probably high on drinks/drugs ‘Danfo’ Driver. The most galling of the entire episode was the fact that the driver of that Danfo survived unscathed, RAN away from the scene leaving a trail of Death and Destruction in his wake. Four people died at the scene. Your New Toyota Corolla was a crumpled wreck. But the Fighter that you were, despite massive injuries, you fought and fought and fought.
Your Dad, via his status at the United Nations, got you into Lagoon Hospital where you were for a few days. When it became clear that the extent of your injuries was too severe for the local facilities here in Nigeria, An Air Ambulance was scrambled from the United Kingdom to get you much needed Specialist Care in the United Kingdom. Your tireless mum who flew in from the United Kingdom, barely 48 hours after the accident, accompanied you in the Air Ambulance. Still we Prayed and Prayed and Hoped for the Best.
Sadly We lost you a day after you arrived in the United Kingdom. The Surgeons tried desperately. You fought desperately to hang on. But in the end, it was not to be. The pain is palpably raw as it is numbling. We asked again and again, Why you? Why You? If only you had stayed on in the country of your Birth, If only…so many questions but very few answers. Your Parents, Your Grandparents, Oh! Your Grandma, with whom you celebrated her 80th Birthday over here in Nigeria a few years ago has refused to eat since she was informed of your passing nearly a week ago…All she repeatedly does is wail, wail to space “God Take Me instead, Give My Granddaughter back to Nigeria. Nigeria Needs Her, Her Parents Need her. God Take me. God Take Me.”.
These are indeed extremely perilous times. And so it was that having just spent barely a few weeks in Nigeria after a prolonged Winter holiday and Christmas in the United Kingdom with family and friends, I now find myself in the rather unenviable position of scrambling for the next flight out back to the United Kingdom just so that I can attend your Funeral this weekend. Someone retorted to me “Oh, you know, ‘our tradition’ forbids older relatives attending and being present at funerals where the deceased is much younger than us…” I snapped back, which tradition? And what has tradition ever done for us? What did Tradition ever give to HER?
I am here like a Zombie, mechanically and circuitously packing a few items for my flight out in the morning. The Family has decided that yours would be a Celebratory Sending Forth, so RED rather than the traditional Grey, Black would be the colour to be worn on the Day. DSF as you were very fondly called, you touched so many lives in the quarter century, (twenty five years only!) you ran your race on earth.
You were considerate to the end so much so that you waited until you got back home – nearer your parents and many siblings – before you finally bade the World Farewell. Doyin Sarah Fagbenro, My Learned Friend in the Profession, My lil Sister, My Cousin, Sleep Well till we meet again. O Death! Where is Thy Sting!

Woman sentenced to death by hanging for killing her 8-year-old step-daughter


A woman and three of her accomplices, were on Thursday, January 21 found guilty of killing her eight year-old step-daughter and sentenced to death by hanging.
Elenah Nyambura (pictured at Milimani law courts, Kenya with her accomplice) was charged with committing the offence at Civil Servants Estate in Kariobangi, with Peris Njeri, Geoffrey Njuguna and Kenneth Muriithi.
The court heard that Nyambura murdered Sheilah Wanjiku to win back her estranged husband Peter Kamau. The four had confessed to killing Wanjiku but later objected to the admissions, saying they had been coerced and threatened into signing statements prepared in advance.
While passing the sentence, Justice Fred Ochieng said the fact Wanjiku was stabbed in her neck and as the wounds were penetrative, there was no doubt the attacker intended to either kill or cause grievous harm.
"It did not matter who dealt the killer blow as each of them played a role which contributed to the success of the heinous act. Elenah Nyambura conceived the idea to eliminate Wanjiku. She enlisted the help of her own brother, Geoffrey Njuguna whose role was to identify and recruit the killers. Peris Njeri would point out the house to the killers," Ochieng said.
The judge said the retracted confessions were very detailed and could only be provided by persons involved, hence concluding the accused acted in concert.
"I find each and every one of the four accused persons guilty of the murder of Sheila Wanjiku. They are therefore, hereby convicted for the offence of murder," he said.
In her confession, Nyambura said she felt her husband loved Wanjiku more than he loved her son and thought if the girl was killed, Kamau would return to her. Nyambura was also unhappy because Kamau had married their former employee who was Wanjiku's mother - Eunice Nyawira - and decided to get rid of them both.
But according to Nyawira, there was nothing to suggest animosity between them as Nyambura's son would visit on weekends.
The court heard that on the fateful day, the accused persons visited Nyawira's house and stabbed the housegirl and the child, but the help lived to testify in the case. Wanjiku was stabbed ten times; six on the right side of her neck and four times on the left.

A postmortem revealed the stab wounds severed blood vessels in her neck. She died of severe bleeding. Investigating officer Sergeant Catherine Kinoti said Njeri coordinated the planning and execution of the child because Nyambura could not leave her place of work.

Kinoti testified that Nyambura made Sh80,000 available to Njeri, which she then paid to the persons who killed Wanjiku. During cross-examination, Kamau said after arrest, Nyambura confessed to him that she had been involved in the killing.
She allegedly blamed the devil for persuading her to pay people to kill Wanjiku.

Davido signs Multi-million Dollar global music deal with Sony Music


HKN boss, Davido, has finally done the big reveal following the cryptic teases he has been raving about.
Davido has revealed that he has just signed a global deal with Sony Music Global.

The news reports reveal that the father-of-one is presently the first African artist to be signed to Sony Music Global.
The popstar shared photos on Instagram, commenting:
The photos showed the the star signing the papers with his brother, Adewale Adeleke (Chairmanhkn) and his manager, Kamal Ajiboye, as well as the Sony Music Global team behind him.
Big congrats to him!


YBNL Bags Multiple Wins at TooXclusive Awards 2015


TooXclusive is unarguably Nigeria’s biggest music entertainment platform for digital streaming and downloads. They have officially wrapped up the 2015 year by announcing the winners for their fourth season of TooXclusive Awards, which is strictly an online-based event that allows the music community to decide the fates of industry acts, judging by general prominence, grueling efforts put in and commercial reception of materials released under a specified year in review.
It appeared to be a terrific year for the YBNL team as evidenced from their multiple wins.
Olamide retained his throne as Nigeria’s king of the streets by winning 7 categories out of the 11 he was featured in.
He won the awards for Artiste of the Year and Best Male Artiste; 'Shakiti Bobo' won Certified Banger of the Year, 'Melo Melo' won Video Wonder of the Year and 'Street OT' won Album of the Year.
Picking up on his winning streaks, newest recruit Adekunle Gold bagged the awards for Next Rated andBest R&B Track while in-house producer, Young John clinched the title for Producer of the Year. The team was also awarded with the Super Record Label of the Year title.
Other notable wins will include Yemi Alade’s award as the Best Female Artiste, Seyi Shay’s award forExtraordinaire Vocal Performance in her song 'Right Now', Patoranking’s chart-topping number 'My Woman My Everything' as the Best Afro Pop Track and Ycee, who sealed his title as champion of the freshmen by winning Best New Artiste.

The full winners' list can be viewed on and just like was earlier announced, they shall be gifted with award plaques and complimentary certificates.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Gareth Bale is the most expensive footballer in the world not C. Ronaldo, leaked transfer doc reveals


Real Madrid signed Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United for £83million in 2009, and then broke the bank again to sign Bale in 2013.
Real Madrid president Florentino Perez made claims sometime ago that Cristiano Ronaldo was still the most expensive player in the world, saying Ronaldo bought at 83 million pounds was more expensive than Gareth Bale because of the higher exchange rate during Ronaldo's transfer.
When asked about Bale being insured for £78million, Florentino Perez said: "Yes, sure. It's a life insurance, against accidents. Bale is insured for the amount he cost."
But  transfer documents detailing the real cost of Gareth Bale's transfer has now been leaked to the media and are in total contrast to Real Madrid's president's claims. 


The transfer document, released by Football Leaks show that the total cost for Bale was actually €99,743.542, which at the 2013 exchange rate was £85,131,147 a sum higher than that of Cristiano Ronaldo when he moved from Manchester United.
Jonathan Barnett, who represents Bale, has called the leak "outrageous" and demanded that the source of the leak is investigated.
Barnett said to The Telegraph :
“There should be an inquiry and an independent investigation … I think it’s disgraceful that people can get hold of this sort of stuff. It shows complete disregard for both clubs and the player.”


When Real Madrid bought Bale they agreed to pay the fee to Tottenham in four installments.
The first installment of €24,935,895 was paid within 10 working days of the agreed sale. The next (also €24,935,895) was due by July 24 2014.
The third (again €24,935,895 ) was due a year after that and the final installment of £21,282,787 is set to be paid on July 24 2016.
It is believed in some quarters that REAL Madrid president Florentino Perez said Ronaldo was more expensive than Bale because he didn't want to bruise the Portuguese's ego.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Olamide Set To Sign First Female Artist To YBNL; Wants You To Suggest An Artist For Him


YBNL Front man – Olamide yesterday took to his Official Twitter page to make an announcement noting that he and his team are searching for their First Female YBNL Artist.

The singer revealed that he wants a combination of Asa and Dej Loaf and asked for his fans to recommend someone for him.
If you know any upcoming female artist that fits the description, kindly leave a comment and let us know.

Suspected cultists kill man in Ilorin, Kwara state today


a popular man named Bayo Ajia was killed this evening by suspected cultists who stormed his car wash in the Ibrahim Taiwo area of Ilorin and killed him inside his office.
After the men, numbering about six left the area, his staff raised an alarm, alerting people to what had happened. People gathered and called the police who are now investigating. Above is the crowd that gathered after the murder...


Thief hiding in a bush smoked out by residents


Residents of Gberigbe, Ikorodu, Lagos used smoke to chase out a man whose gang had always terrorized Jabe, a community at Gberigbe mainly on Sundays.

Determined to catch the thieves, who ran into the bush after stealing cell phones and other valuables, members of the community yesterday set the bush on fire and smoked out one of them, the others unfortunately escaped.
According to an eyewitness the man and his gang were said to have scaled the fence of a compound, destroyed the burglary proof in one of the windows through which they entered a house unfortunately for the intruders, the owner of the house saw them and sent a message to her neighbour, who in turn alerted other members of the community.

 Noticing that they were surrounded, the thieves jumped out through the fence and ran into a nearby bush.
 Fortunately, the fire drove him into the arms of the community members who nearly lynched him but for the response of a team of policemen from Ijede Division, who showed up and took him away.

Lassa fever kills two in Plateau as Delta state records first case

Two people lost their lives after they contracted the now prevalent Lassa fever in Plateau state. The State commissioner for Health, Dr. Kuden Kamshak who confirmed the death of the two victims yesterday January 18th, said they died at the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) where they were being treated. This brings to three the number of people that have died from the disease in Plateau state.

The State Commissioner says the government and the World Health Organization are working towards containing the virus

“The state with support from the World Health Organisation (WHO) is working round the clock to contain the spread of the virus”.
Meanwhile a 65 year old woman has been diagnosed with the deadly fever in Delta state. The unidentified woman who is from Ifiogwari village, Ayamelunu, Anambra state, is said to have come to Asaba for treatment after a suffering prolonged fever. She was first admitted at St. Joseph’s Hospital, from where she was referred to Federal Medical Centre, Asaba when her conditioned worsened. The case was confirmed at the virology laboratory, Specialist Hospital, Irrua, Edo State.

Lassa fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected rats. The rats spread the disease by contaminating food or water in any dirty environment. Infected persons spread the disease when their body fluids such as blood, feces, urine, sperm and vomit come in contact with others. Some signs and symptoms of Lassa fever infection include cold and fever, sore throat, headache, pains in different parts of the body, nausea, cough, diarrhea and general sense of being unwell.

Sunday 10 January 2016

pic of Gov Seriake celebrating his victory at the polls


Incumbent governor of Bayelsa state Seriake Dickson ‎who was today declared winner of the state governorship election by INEC pictured above celebrating his victory with his supporters at the state house.


Saturday 9 January 2016

A high rise building at Bar Beach Towers was on fire this morning


A flat in one of the high rise buildings at Bar Beach Tower, an estate just opposite Bar Beach in Victoria Island was on fire this morning. 

Passenger burnt And Not recognition in Enugu expressway car crash


Two persons died in a multiple car crash that occurred at Ugwuonyeama on the Enugu-Onitsha road yesterday Friday January 8th at about 7.30am. According to the spokesman of the Enugu State Police Command, Ebere Amaraizu, the crash involved 4 buses, a Hilux van and two cars. She also said the cause of the accident has not been established and that one of them was burnt beyond recognition.

Reekado Banks’ First Interview After The Headies 2015 Drama


Headies 2015 Next Rated Artiste – Reekado Banks has granted his very first interview after the Awards Saga.
He had a chat with Cool FM OAPs Do2Dtun and Taymi and he spoke candidly about a lot of things.
Things discussed in the video include
Who deserved the Next Rated Award
– If Reekado Banks didn’t who, Korede Bello should have won
– The location of the Hyundai Car
– The jokes that followed the Headies 2015 drama
– The reason people were angry after the beef ended
– The Mainland vs Island aspect
Watch the interview below:

check out Juliet Ibrahim’s Outfit For Glo CAF Awards

All is set for the hosting of the Glo-CAF awards holding this evening, Thursday, January 7 at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

Below is Juliet Ibrahim’s Outfit For the Award Ceremony.


Glo-CAF awards programme is the most prestigious in Africa conferred on outstanding players, coaches, supporters and administrators by the continent’s highest football authority and bankrolled by next generation network and the continents leading indigenous telecoms operator, Globacom.
The categories include African Player of The Year (Based in Africa), National Team of The Year, Club of The Year, and Coach of The Year.
Other categories are Women’s National Team of The Year, Women’s Footballer of The Year, Most Promising Talent, Referee of The Year, Legend of The year, Fair Play Award, Platinum Award, which has only one nominee, and Africa Finest.