Monday 29 February 2016

Wizkid’s 2nd Baby Mama Shares New Pic of Their Son


Blue da

Two months after welcoming his second child with a US-based Guinean vixen he barely knew, Wizkid is yet to publicly acknowledge that he has a newborn son.
Despite the shame and mockery Wizkid’s silence has brought her – new mum Binta Diamond Diallo, is keeping her head up and moving forward.

The stunning model posted this new pic of their son, calling him “King Ayo”, to remind the world whose son he really is.
Capture (14)
We hope Wizkid realises that ignoring a problem will not make it disappear as Binta had earlier called Wizzy a ‘dead beat dad’ who refused to man up and take responsibility for his son, and also allegations have been rife about how he had been shying away from meeting Ayo jnr, as well as avoiding taking a DNA paternity test.
Wizkid has been in a long-term on again/off again relationship with Tania Omotayo.
He has another son with his first baby mama, Shola Ogudugu.

What makes you more attractive to mosquitoes isn't how good you taste

For some, mosquito bites are an annoyance on our arms and legs and all parts of the body. While some people are plagued by mosquitoes, others seem immune to it.
As it turns out, how attractive you are to a mosquito might have less to do with how your blood tastes and more to do with how you smell.
There are a trillion or so microbes that live on our skin that play a huge role in body odor. Without those bacteria, human sweat wouldn't smell at all.
However,for everyone, the bacteria vary widely. While we share 99.9% of DNA with other humans, our microbes are much more diverse, in part because they're influenced by our lifestyle.

A small 2011 study found that those microbes produce different chemicals. And some of those smell more attractive to the insects.
To demonstrate this, researchers asked 48 adult male volunteers to refrain from alcohol, garlic, spicy food, and showers for two days, as these factors could interfere with the kinds of microbes that thrive on the men's skin.
The men wore nylon socks for 24 hours to build up their collection of unique skin microbes, which the researchers then used to collect their scent as bait for some malaria-carrying Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes.

Out of the 48 men, nine proved to be especially attractive to mosquitoes. Another seven men were largely ignored by the insects.

So the researchers looked at the microbe profiles for each of the men. Not surprisingly, the "highly attractive" group had more than twice as high a concentration of one common skin microbe, and more than three times higher concentration of another common microbe compared to the "poorly attractive group."

Overall, that poorly attractive group had a more diverse bacterial colony on their skin, findings that suggest some people's smell may act as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes.
Scientists have also looked into how smells influence the behavior of the mosquito species that's responsible for transmitting Zika and dengue — the Aedes aegypti.

For one of these studies, researchers analyzed the chemicals produced by skin microbes and found that some of them appear to attract particular mosquitoes. One they found is lactic acid. (In addition to being produced naturally by our bodies, it's also found in milk and cheese.)

When mixed with the carbon dioxide we breathe out, lactic acid makes for a potent combination that attracts female A. aegypti mosquitoes. In particular, Limburger cheese, which tends to smell like body odor, was a definite mosquito attractant.

So in conclusion, being attractive to mosquitoes is all about smells, and the kinds of microbes that produce them.

Enyeama rules out return to the Super Eagles despite Oliseh's resignation

Enyeama rules out return to the Super Eagles despite Oliseh's resignation

Lille Osc of France goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama has ruled out making an emotional return to the Super Eagles of Nigeria despie Sunday Oliseh's resignation as head coach last week Friday.
Enyeama and Sunday Oliseh had some quarrels and arguments during the coach's short stint as coach leading to the retirement of Vincent Enyeama and his compatriot Emmanuel Emenike last year.
Reports had emerged Enyeama will be called out of retirement by the new super Eagles coach Samson Siasia , but he has now refuted those reports saying he will not come back to the national team fold.
''I don't want to talk about this issue again. I think my earlier decision stands,''

Tiwa Savage stuning photos in Jamaica


Tiwa Savage who is currently in Kingston, Jamaica after being in the UK shared these beautiful new photos and captioned it: Kingston feels so much like home .... The love here is real
❤️ #RED#REDDeluxeEdition #WorldWidePromo #RedNation #SavageSoldiers ðŸ’£ðŸ’£ðŸ’£ More photos 


2face Idibia's first son is so grown..and working on his music talent


Nino will be the opening act at his mum, Adesunmbo Adeoye, Inspiring Change Convention, on March 5th.

2face Idibia's first son is so grown..and working on his music talent


Nino will be the opening act at his mum, Adesunmbo Adeoye, Inspiring Change Convention, on March 5th.

25 Blogging Tips for Newbies and Veterans

We’ve all seen them. The same old, tired lists of regurgitated tips on how to blog better. They’re so common, you could probably name most of them in your sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of them. I want to know what really works.

Macbook Photo

Since 2006, I’ve been a blogger and have helped thousands of people learn this craft of online publishing. Still, there are days when I feel very much like a newbie.
When I quit my old blog and started a new one, I realized how much I didn’t know about blogging. So I decided to put together my own list of tips — stuff I started doing recently that I should’ve been doing since the beginning.
So whether you’re just getting started or have been blogging for awhile, here are 25 tips to help guide and direct you:


  • No copy-catting. Stop trying to be like someone you admire and instead find out what unique offering you have.
  • Tell the truth. Never lie, mislead, or cajole. Trust is slowly earned and easily lost.
  • Be awesome. There’s enough mediocrity out there. Stop adding to the noise, and do something outstanding.
  • Give yourself grace. Be patient; it takes time to find your voice.
  • Pick a theme. But realize readers will stick around for your voice, not your subject.

Growth and community

  • Don’t measure stats too early. If you’re obsessing over daily numbers and you’re only a few months into your blogging journey, you’re wasting your time. It’s still too early to pay close attention to trends. After that, make sure you haveGoogle Analytics installed.
  • Make your content easy to share. The majority of content that’s shared online is done through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and others. You should make this easy for your readers to tell their friends about you. (A WordPress plugin I recommend is DIGG DIGG.)
  • Encourage community. Write unfinished posts, and ask your community to complete the conversation.
  • Never underestimate the importance of networking. If you’re not connecting regularly with readers and other bloggers, you’re missing out.
  • Guest post, guest post, guest post. (Enough said.)


  • Write timeless content. On the web, old content is perceived as irrelevant. Don’t write a newspaper; create a resource. (This is, incidentally, why I intentionally don’t put dates on my posts.)
  • Don’t write too little or too much. Generally, I try to write at least 300 words and no more than 1000 words. More than that, though, only write as many words as it takes and cut the rest.
  • Have a point. Don’t just word-vomit on your audience.
  • Write with conviction. Pick a side and be bold. And if you’re wrong, admit it.
  • Short sentences win.

Motivation and inspiration

  • Don’t give up. Bloggers who stick with it ultimately win.
  • Write as often as possible. Constantly capture ideas and turn them into posts. A tool that may help is Evernote.
  • Expect critics. A few people hating you is a sign you’re doing something right. Be prepared.
  • Find ways to regularly get inspired. This is the only way you can inspire others. When you’re empty, fill yourself up. Don’t neglect this.
  • Realize you can only create or react. At any give time, make sure you know which one you’re doing.


  • Write for scanners. We live in a busy, distracted world. Don’t demandattention; earn it.
  • Build an email list. If you ever want to sell or promote something, having people’s email addresses (and their permission to use them) is essential.
  • Invest in a good web design. Bad design can get in the way of good content.
  • Be generous. Give away more information, content, and ideas than you’re comfortable with. People will reward you. Link to others, but never let someone pay you to do so.
  • Watch what experts do. Not just what they say.
These are my 25 tips. You probably have 25 of your own. And that’s okay, because I’ve realized that everyone needs to approach blogging in their own way. That’s part of the fun. Feel free to add to this list in the comments.

25 Blogging Tips for Newbies and Veterans

We’ve all seen them. The same old, tired lists of regurgitated tips on how to blog better. They’re so common, you could probably name most of them in your sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of them. I want to know what really works.

check out the crazy three-wheel motorcycle that caused commotion in Abuja

what's the appropriate name for it.. a car or motorcycle?

Sunday 7 February 2016

Uncovered.. Osama Bin Laden Is Still Alive

           Osama Bin Laden Is Still Alive

Previous CIA representative Edward Joseph Snowden has asserted he has proof that demonstrates the serial aircraft and terrorist (Osama Bin Laden) is still alive and solid, the terrorist why should said have been killed in Pakistan in 2011 by the United States Special forces.According to Joseph Snowden, Osama is in Bahamas accepting more $100k a month.

I'm not sure where he's presently but rather i saw him motel 2013 he was enthusiastic unobtrusively in his manor with Five(5) of his wives and numerous kids"

Snowden who lives as an outlaw in Russia fled to the States in the wake of spilling archives about the NSA mass reconnaissance projects to the media in 2013.

He guarantees that Osama was transported to Bahamas to an undisclosed area, he encourage says: they sorted out his fake passing since no one knows and the assistance of his shaved facial hair and a military coat, no one would remember him..